Diamond Sponsors

Greensburg Restaurant Week is presented by the Greensburg Community Development Corporation (GCDC). The GCDC is a private, non-profit 501c3 organization established to assist with the development of downtown Greensburg. For nearly 50 years, GCDC has obtained dilapidated properties for redevelopment, secured land for new structures, and helped to attract new businesses to the City.
7,000+ followers view our daily content
119,335 individuals reached through our posts from January to June of 2021.
2,500+ followers view our content daily
30% of our followers are between the ages of 35 - 44
28% of our followers are between the ages of 25 - 34
GRW Website
20,000+ website visitors between January 1 - 31, 2021 AND August 1 - 31, 2021 for Greensburg Restaurant Week Winter & Summer Events